Saint Paul College and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MinnState) sy阀杆 provide a comprehensive benefit pack年龄 and developmental opportunities to all eligible employees.
The State Employee Group Insurance Program (SEGIP) provides comprehensive 健康 benefits and excellent medical and dental cover年龄.
The state offers basic group term life insurance and the option to purchase additional cover年龄 for the employee, 配偶或受抚养子女.
残疾 & 长期护理
Optional plans to protect your income and assets are available for purchase.
Benefit eligible employees have the option to enroll in pre-tax accounts (flexible spending accounts) such as a Medical/Dental Expense Account (MDEA), 或家属护理费用帐户(DCEA).
MinnState offers a mix of mandatory and voluntary retirement plans that help you save for the future.
员工援助计划提供, 专家, 保密, 个人咨询,包括财务和法律问题, 关系的挑战, 以及个人和家庭问题.
健康 & 健康项目
服务旨在解决福祉的大多数方面, 比如个人的, 家庭, 物理, 金融, 法律, 工作生活, 等. Saint Paul College also has an on-site 健康 Committee that provides training and wellness events for employees.
MinnState offers a tuition waiver benefit to eligible employees which provides the cost of tuition and, 在某些情况下, 一定的费用. Along with tuition waivers Saint Paul College also offers 学费 Reimbursement and Faculty Professional Development Funds for 员工.
mg电子试玩app致力于成为一流的学习型社区. The College is committed to a 专业发展 program for Faculty and Staff Development that addresses diverse education needs as a College priority and recognizes its importance to the mission, 愿景, 目标, and objectives of the College by establishing a highly skilled and multi-talented workforce. The College has a committed 员工的发展 Committee that works hard at providing learning and training opportunities for the campus community.